Move forward. Good things are up ahead!

if you have a desire to...

... RENEW and TRANSFORM your mind, body, and spirit;
...BREAK that cycle you have found yourself in after trying every gimmick, every diet, the "easy", the "hard"; LEARN and apply the tools to live a healthy lifestyle for life; MOVE out of that place of "stuck" and move forward to REALIZE those DREAMS you have set aside;
... be CONFIDENT to navigate your health with PEACE; pursue your PURPOSE and PASSION;
you've found the right place!

...there's more to life than simply surviving.
You CAN do this!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the 
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 
Romans 12:2

Life Set Free
The Total Transformation Journey Program

This is your opportunity to tap into a life transforming program that will empower you with the tools and support to achieve the same results as those who have gone before you.... 100% success rate in losing weight. You will see not only your body but mind be transformed to allow you to be set free to live and experience the life you have been dreaming of!

This program allows you to get amazing results just like the coaches who will walk you through this process and hundreds of others who have successfully taken this journey on the path to their health goals!

Your time is now!  Let's do this once and for all!

What you Get:

  • 6 Months of Group Coaching
  • Weekly Zoom Calls
  • Weekly Training Topics including:
    • detailed how-to with Q&A time
    • understanding and dealing with food triggers
    • emotional eating
    • mindset training to set you free
    • how to organize your time to make focusing on your health possible
    • and so much more!
  • Food Plan for real life
  • Food & Habit Trackers
  • Effective Accountability that will keep you on track!

How Do I Know This Works?

It's working for hundreds.  Here are just a few...

I lost 78 lbs.  Now, I'm building muscle and working on my next goals!

The most important thing I can tell you is that it worked for me.  YES!  Do you know how many coaches have never had a challenge with their weight?  It's like the models on TV.  Did they ever go through what you're going through? Did they ever hide food, hoard food, or binge food when they had an awful day?  Did they ever put everyone else first instead of taking care of themselves for years? Do they even know what it's like to look in the mirror and wonder when things went so wrong?  

Knowing that you have a coach that has been through what you have been through helps tremendously!  Not only have I had my own success in losing fat and maintaining the fat loss, I have helped many others to do the same.  

Meet Crickett.  
Released 89 lbs as of Sept 27, 2024

Crickett struggled with fibromyalgia pain every day. Every time she went on a diet, she couldn't lose more than 20 lbs. before she would gain it back.  She tried everything.  She had 12 children, major financial struggle, emotional triggers... then, she started with one of our short term programs.  She almost immediately reduced inflammation, her pain levels dropped dramatically and the scale did too!  She couldn't believe this was working so well for her!  Now she's hiking with her kids and traveling!  She's still on her journey with our programs, but she is determined to reach the finish line!

Meet Charlie. 
Released 105 lbs. as of October 7, 2024

"I struggled for decades to lose weight and every attempt I made I’d plateau at 20lbs. I’m so proud of myself!  I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of my husband (Dereck Kelly), my sister (Crickett Fuller), my beautiful family and friends, and my amazing coaches and team!"

Charlie's story is one that made me cry and remember why I do what I do.  Charlie couldn't even walk when she started one of our early programs.  When her sister saw such a difference, she pushed Charlie to try.  Charlie thought, "well, maybe it'll help me to lose weight, but it won't touch my pain."  She was shocked when it made so much of a difference!  She is now shopping while pushing her own grocery cart, riding on a semi truck with her hubby, and living life!  
More 6 month program results:

Sarah lost 42.9lbs and 25.28% of her body weight
Amy lost 37.9lbs and 11.68% of her body weight
Becky lost 35.6lbs and 21.84% of her body weight

These are just a few who are seeing results through this 6 month program!


Common Questions
When does this coaching program begin?
We will begin our prep week on October 29th and will be a total of 24 weeks.  I will send the complete schedule to those who are accepted into the program.

What do I have to buy to participate?
A set of containers will be needed (~$10), an antioxidant juice to help with inflammation, blood sugar, and other health concerns that will be addressed during the program.  A protein powder will also be required to help maintain muscle mass while losing weight.  The cost of these two products will initially be about $209.  Subsequent months will be about $165.  I'll send out details for those that apply and are accepted into the program. I will work with those who have specific allergy or nutritional challenges to provide the best options for you. 

Are there additional costs involved?
To provide the level of service and accountability included in this 6 month program, there is a coaching fee associated with the program. The value of the program far exceeds that initial investment. There will be several payment options available to fit any budget. Full details will be shared during the application process. 

You are worth the investment to get the support and results you are looking for to create a lasting healthy lifestyle! This program is about so much more than just weight loss!


There is no better time than this moment!

If you keep going the way you're going now, in 5 years from now, will you be walking in the PEACE, PURPOSE and PASSION you are seeking?  We tend to say things like, "when life settles down," "when I have more money," "when we get through this or that..." but honestly, when is it ever a better time?  When will it ever be a high enough priority?  Do you really want to wait until your body starts to shut down before you address the problems that will got you there?  

Life is about quality.  It's about relationships and experiences.  When you look back on your life, how do you want to remember it?  

There's no better time to change.
I promise.  You won't regret this.


Hi! I'm Wendy

 Health + Advocacy 
& love helping people on their journey to 
renewal and freedom!

Wendy Clayton
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Mindset and Life Coach

Hi! I'm Wendy Clayton.  I have worked in the wellness realm since 1995, but only recently did I finally discover all of the missing keys to weight loss and how to get the permanent change I was seeking. 

In 2017, I started applying what I was learning to my own journey.  I succeeded for a while, then failed again. I felt like it was some mystery that I couldn't figure out.  Then I found the final missing key and everything turned around for me.  These keys are not taught all together in the weight loss industry.  

I started at 208 lbs and yes, I experienced all of the emotions and physical struggles that went with the weight.  I released 78 lbs in one year and I have successfully helped hundreds of women lose weight and change their mindsets with a 100% success rate through my short-term and long-term programs.

I have a deep desire to help other women find out that there is much more to life than feeling stuck. 
You can find freedom to walk in peace, purpose and passion in all areas of your life! I'm here to help you on your journey!


Join me in taking care of those most in need in Uganda by supporting Ugandan Orphan Childcare Ministries.


Copyright Wendy Clayton