To Participate in the upcoming 10 Day Rev Up, please follow the directions below to make your payment.
Next, here are the additional items you will need in order to do the 10 Day Rev Up. These details will also be emailed to you after you make your payment!
To get you on the path to REV UP your health:
1. Make your payment to opt-in. Do so by November 30th to get the best price!
2. For this 10 Day challenge, you will pick at least one of the options below to give you the best experience and allow you to continue your progress in the future. These items will support your body through the changes that will be taking place as you embark on this weight loss journey.
Option 1 – 10 Day Rev Up - GOOD (minimum required is the NingXia Red -- contact me if you have special dietary restrictions and other recommendations can be made):
Link: (click SELECT to choose the items and add them to the cart to proceed - choose LOYALTY Order for the best deal….discounts will be shown on checkout)
* NingXia Red Starter Bundle (required)
Option 2 – 10 Day Rev Up - BETTER – workout support, plus Option 1:
Link: (click SELECT to choose the items and add them to the cart to proceed….
choose LOYALTY Order for the best deal discounts will be shown on checkout)
* NingXia Red Starter Bundle (required)
* Pure Protein Complete or Power Meal
Option 3 – 10 Day Rev Up - BEST – both options above plus additional supplement support for your digestion
Link: (click SELECT to choose the items and add them to the cart to proceed….
choose LOYALTY Order for the best deal - discounts will be shown on checkout)
* NingXia Red Starter Bundle (required)
* Pure Protein Complete or Power Meal
* Essentialzyme 4
* Alkalime
We'll share with the group some optional items that will support your overall health through this renewal process.
Join the 10 day Rev up challenge by November 30th and Get special EARLY BIRD PRICING
Normally $97 dollars -- before November 30th $47 dollars
**If you are on Wendy Clayton's Young Living Team or are NOT a Young Living Customer yet, please contact me for additional discount options! Email me at: **